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My Healthcare Journey

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Gourgit Demian

Hi, my name is Gourgit I am an aspiring healthcare professional from Greenville, SC. I was born and raised in Alexandria, Egypt. My family and I immigrated to the States in 2012 to achieve better opportunities for my and my brother's future. In May 2024, I graduated from Furman University and got my Bachelor of Sciences in Health Sciences. As I apply to medical school, I will be working as a Patient Care Tech (PCT) in a MedSurg unit at MUSC, Charleston. 


I started this website as a rising senior in high school in 2019. I am using it to share my healthcare journey through journal reflections on the medical-related work I have been a part of. I participated in Medical Experience Academy (MedEx Academy) Tier I 2019, Tier II 2022, Tier III 2023, and Tier IV 2024. MedEx has offered me the opportunity to explore healthcare specialties through clinical shadowing, network with and learn from incoming speakers, attain one-on-one mentorship and advisory, and accompany motivated and diligent like-minded individuals.


I also attained additional shadowing experience through the Observation Program. Over the course of a semester, I shadowed a variety of healthcare professionals such as pediatrics and gynecology, and acquired approximately 50 hours of observation. 


Aside from the fruitful experience that I had with both MedEx and the Observation program, I also participated in the Furman University and Atalantis MayX of Exploring Healthcare in the Global Context in Lisbon, Portugal. In Lisbon, I had the opportunity to observe Portugal's free public healthcare at two hospitals while fully immersed in the culture. 

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