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  • Gourgit Demian

Day 18: Cradle-to-Grave Presentation and Field Day!

Last full day of MedEx Tier I. The day began by an Evolution of An Adult presentation by Jenny. She gave us an outlook of what undergrad may look like with the obstacles of each year. Jenny said a couple of things that I hope to always remember and take as advise; she mentioned "one must take care of themselves in order to care for others." She also advised "don't compare your medicine pathway to others, everyone goes through different journeys." I found these very eye-opening and inspiring because though many, including myself, are guilty, those statements are very accurate. Our wonderful Jenny then talked to us a little more about scholarships and how to write quality essays to attain as many as we desire.

It was time for Field Day! This took me back to the last day of elementary school which I was all about. Through the activities we did in our groups, I have learned a lot about teamwork.

We had lunch together for the last time and then went back to present our Cradle-to-Grave projects. Tier III, donors, parents, and Mr. Squire came to watch our presentations, so needless to say we were nervous. However, everyone's projects were outstanding. We gratefully impressed the interns and Mr. Squire with our creativity once again. In fact, we were first going to have a science fair set-up for all the projects but after the interns saw how hard we were working on them, they decided to let every group present separately in order for everyone to get a look on each of the amazing projects. I learned so much about the different age groups; their mental clarity, social life, medical milestones, risk factors and death. My peers and I loved being able to express some creativity in a field that usually does not get to see much originality.

The Tiers then got together and we celebrated the end of an amazing few weeks with MedEx Academy. We had pizza, chips, fruit, cookie pizza, and drinks! I loved spending my time socializing with my new best friends and amazing interns.

Some of ended up going to the lounge to watch the extremely zealous ping pong tournament Tier III was having and to spend some more time with each other. Since it was a Wednesday, a group of us also went swing dancing together! It was so much fun bonding and spending the entire day with people I love.


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