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  • Gourgit Demian

Day 19: Graduation :) :(

Last. Day. of. Tier I. I could not be more sorrowful that my time in this absolutely marvelous program is coming to an end for the summer. I am so incredibly grateful for such amazing opportunities that the Medical Experience Academy gave me those past four weeks. An experience that truly sparked and grew my passion for the field of medicine than ever before. Not to mention the astonishing friends I have made throughout the month. Friends that won’t only last for a few weeks, but for a lifetime. It is incredible how close my amazing peers and I have gotten with each other in a span of just nineteen days, I can not wait to see all their outstanding accomplishments as we go through our own journeys together.

We made sure to mention all of this in the first segment scheduled for the day, the Program Debrief. Some of us (*cough cough* Janiya) got emotional and got a lot of us to tear up along by pouring our hearts out while saying our final thoughts about the program. The interns also asked for feedback on each of the activities and lectures we have had. We expressed which we found interesting and informational and we also said our opinions about those who we thought was not very helpful.

Following the debrief, we had a connections activity in regards to fear. We were asked to write down our fears on a sticky note. Some of us shared what we dread, whether it was a death of a loved one or a fear of spiders, we were all very sympathetic for each other. We then were told to crumble up the sticky note and throw it in the trashcan as an incentive to overcome those fears.

It was then time for superlatives! It is was super fun to come together and recognize each other. Whether it was Grace getting "most likely to quietly rule over the world" or Caelyn getting"most likely to star in her own reality TV show", this would not have been possible without the unbreakable bond each and everyone has built with each other over the past four weeks.

We left the USC School of Medicine for the last time this summer at around 12 PM and met at Furman University at 4 PM for graduation. Everyone looked stunning! I could not believe how fast this month has gone by to be here today graduating from Tier I. This experience could not have been any better, thank you MedEx!


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