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  • Gourgit Demian

"I Better See You in Tier IV"

I can’t believe it has already been 6 weeks since this tier began. Although I have had an amazing summer outside of MedEx, these past 6 weeks have to still be my favorite. I feel that every single person in the tier has contributed something and has made tier III the best that it could be. After a short morning together reflecting on our time together, we went home to get ready for graduation. We then met around 5 for the group graduation picture and then the ceremony began at 6pm. Hearing everyone speak, whether that be Jada and Courtney, our lead interns, or even each tier’s speaker, I was so touched to hear from everyone’s experience. I find it so amazing that everyone that participated in MedEx benefits from it differently but still greatly. We have had multiple students in our tier find that medicine is not something they are too passionate about, so although it is super saddening to know that they may not return the following summer, I am still so incredibly happy that they are one step closer to the career meant for them.

Personally, MedEx has always been a place and time that has helped me grow closer to the person I want to be. The experiences it gives is something I would not otherwise have access to. As important to the experiences, MedEx also places me with the best people there are. Just like I would not have had the opportunities that MedEx provides me, I also would not have crossed paths with the people that MedEx brings me together with. It is truly all about the connections you make because I have found that when I feel that I have a good relationship with the people I am seeing and working with everyday, the internship is much more fulfilling. I love MedEx and love the people in it. Thank you Uncle Al and everyone else that make this life changing program possible.

Can’t wait for next summer!! Genuinely can not wait.


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